Last week I draped the beginnings to this top with absolutely NO idea what I was going to do with the sleeve. As you can imagine, whatever I decided to do with the sleeve would determine the entire look of the top and ultimately make or break the design. No pressure, huh? Well it always helps me to grasp a look by sketching out all of my options. It seems to always open up my imagination. So when I sat down to draw, the first thing that came out was this dramatic sleeve.
I did really like it.......but I still wasn't sure. And so I asked the question in a few groups on Facebook and I got so many responses. THANK YOU!!!! {Side Note: I love the new sewing groups I am a part of! Finally a whole community who is on what I'm on!} I sketched out the top suggestions and put a poll on my website. Here were the choices:
Over any other design, the majority agreed with me with the dramatic sleeve. Yay! Now to make it!!! I have to mention that I did not use any patterns on this entire garment and certainly did not want to start in having to plot out the sleeve on pattern paper. So I didn't! Here is the finished top with that amazing sleeve.
I love it! I styled it with a pair of turquoise skinnies (is that a word?) and even found a pair of earrings that went perfect! 2015 is going to be fun and this was just the jump start I needed, If you missed the first part of this project, like the fabric I chose and a look at the pleats click here.