Tuesday, January 8, 2013

The Power of Networking

I'm pretty sure everyone knows the power of networking, but as I sat at my computer this morning I began to reflect on just how beneficial it has been for me recently.  I have to admit that moving up north was a difficult transition initially as I really didn't know anyone outside of my in-laws.  Although my immediate thoughts were, 'there goes my social life', I was soon reminded of the business connections I left behind as well; not very comforting when you are just starting your business.  My solution: get out and meet new people.  A concept that has opened so many doors in which I have benefited in many ways.  Here are just a few that I wanted to share with you in hopes that it will encourage you to also get out network.  Who knows, we may bump into each other!

1.  -OPPORTUNITIES-  When you get out and mingle with people who have the same character as you, there is a greater probability of opportunities becoming available for you to participate in.  For example, you may be working day and night to produce those beautifully handcrafted greeting cards.  And after the long nights, you are now stumped in trying to find a venue to sell your impressive cards.  That's when knowing a few people may help.  They could be more familiar with the area and know places off hand, or better yet, know someone personally that may be interested in carrying your collection. That's a plus for you. 
2.  -REFERRALS-  Well this is a no-brainer!  We all want to increase our business and this is a huge part of a successful networking community.  One of the biggest advantage is that other business owners have a growing customer base that they may be willing to share with you, if your product fits their client.  This is a big plus for you and them.  You can swap clients.... WIN / WIN!
3.  -ADVICE-  We can't all "know it all" about everything.  Some of us have valuable lessons that we have had to learn along the bumpy road of business.  And just as your parents have had more experience in life than you, so is true in the business world.  I would recommend picking some of your acquaintance's brain.  Asking them for advice when you are unsure of a particular topic could prove to be more valuable than taking the risk.  Why have to find out the hard way that promoting in the local newspaper is not the right avenue for your product?  You could be potentially spending unnecessary funds in advertising by targeting these readers.  Your colleagues may recommend promoting on the local talk show instead.  So don't be afraid to ask for their advice.  In the end the decision is yours, but having more to based it on is very useful.
4.  -INCREASED CONFIDENCE-  One thing I know from experience is networking pushes you to speak with people you don't know.  In return, a greater confidence is built in you.  Do you remember the first time you had to pitch your concept to someone?  You probably felt like you were standing in a hot box and stumbling all over your words.  Fast forward to today.  The nervous feeling is probably not the same at all.  Not to say that you still don't get warm, but the words are flowing much easier and your confidence has grown.  Because you want your business to grow beyond just the people you know, strengthening your backbone is a must and having these connections will help.
5.  -FRIENDSHIPS-  This is my favorite!  Networking opens you up to building new friendships with like minded people.  I'm sure you have heard over and over again that your reputation can largely be based on the people you associate with.  So it only make sense, at least to me, if you want to be viewed as being about your business.......then those are the type of friends you should keep.  Most likely you will go a lot farther in your aspirations while having a great time achieving them.

I enjoy reaching out and building new networking relationships and encourage you to do so as well. And if you don't know where to start, you could always start with me.  Good luck!  I would love to hear your thoughts and suggestions on the topic.  Please share your comments.

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