Friday, November 11, 2011

Get Out and Mingle

I rolled out of the bed this morning feeling very thankful for the connections that I made this week.  Social Media is working in my favor but meeting people the good old fashion way is a much better experience.  This week we added our first sales rep who is very eager to get started I am positive will be great!  Get ready Florida for THE GREY BUTTON!!!  So feeling inspired I got out of the work zone and out into some fresh air.  I found myself near downtown on Walker Street just walking and scouting a location for my future shop, when I stumbled across a cute little shop called Shoe Lounge.  I popped in and met the owner who was a very lovely woman with an extremely warm personality.  Although today was not the day for shopping, it is definitely a place that I would return to.  It was really nice to get out and mingle with another fashion lover even if it was only for a few moments.  And the added bonus of possibly creating a new frienship is the business connection (it's like finding a new button!)  Nice meeting you Shoe Lounge.

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