Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Who's Representing?

TGB Sketches
I don't mean to neglect everyone.  My mind has literally been racing for the past week.  So many things that are just running wild in my brain that I haven't just taken the time out to relax and get some things off my chest.  What's the holiday going to bring?  The New Year??  THE GREY BUTTON?  So many exciting thoughts!  Well we are hitting the ground running!  We are interviewing now for Independent Sales Reps for all markets which is keeping me real busy.  Paperwork, phone interviews, resumes......boy who knew how much work!  I need an HR rep.  We have already added one and looking and looking for many more to help share THE GREY BUTTON with everyone.  One thing I know is that you have to keep the momentum going so hang on!  I have been sharing some photos as I work and plan to continue so everyone can share my progress and keep me focused.  Thanks again for every one's support and also the great comments........but you know it's so much faster if you just comment here on the blog rather than emailing me......-friends you know who you are!

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