Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Chin Checked!

I didn't write yesterday and my apologies.  It was not that I was slacking on the plan.  I finished those business cards and have the designs to prove it!  Yesterday felt like the longest day and I was just exhausted.  A day of being out, researching and such.....I literally crashed when I got home.  Not to mention having to deal with everyday issues.  I pose a question:  What is the next step for you after someone lets you down?  Do you get mad? Sad? Are you capable of just shrugging it off?  Do you hold a grudge?  Having delt with these issues early in life with family and friends, I know I don't want to handle business in the same manner.  What I have grown to realize is that nothing positive ever came from holding a grudge.  Being certain that thruought this journey many people will let me down and convinced I will have my share of NO's before any YES's I have to say...... I'm ok with that.  I just YouTube'd chin exercises to toughen it up and get ahead of the game.  As long as I never forget what I'm working for, how can this not flourish?

Business Card ~ Front

Business Card ~ Back

Next:  Work on marketing.

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