Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Old Friends

It feels good to take a break and catch up with old friends and I had the chance to do that today.  There is something to be said of a friendship that seems to just pick right up where it left off, even if it was 17 years ago since the last time you've seen each other.  Until just now I hadn't realize how long it's been.  Weird, like no time had passed at all.  Back to the basics of plain old good conversation filled with laughter.  There is at least one good thing about getting older and that is reconnecting with old friends and seeing where life has taken them to.  Very interesting to see them grow, and then their families grow.  But what I find the most fascinating is what people now "do" in life.  Some people don't surprise you, but others  ---  WOW!  Some good and some bad.  But today.....all good.  I think somewhere way in the back of our minds if we stop and reflect on our childhood there is at least one person that you just knew was going to mature and do speacial things in their life.  The thing is you never know who that person is, and you never know if that person is you.  Sometimes it's just the little things that makes someone "do" speacial things in their lives and one of them is sincerely being a friend.  Thank you.

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