Thursday, September 29, 2011

Riding on Fumes

Let me start out by offering an explanation for not posting yesterday.  I escaped to cloud nine for a few hours after a really important shipment finally arrived.  Needless to say that I was preoccupied for most of the rest of the day.  And lets not forget about the big move which is going down tomorrow.  So I have been squeezing in some packing and trying to get my life in order.  As if things aren't already chaotic, I happen to be riding on fumes.  In retrospect I realize now that starting a meeting at 11:45 at night may not have been the wisest thing to do.  Although my meeting was absolutely productive all around, I am only now paying tremendously for it.  To be perfectly honest, it is taking the commitment of every fiber in my body to operate at full capacity in order to try and keep my eyes lids open.  And I don't know who taught me the neat little trick of alternating closing one eye at a time as a means to try to force myself to keep my eyes open and ultimately stay awake.......but I think its working. OUCH! My neck hurts! I could never have a career as a bobble head!  Goodnight I casn'ttssssssss evennnnnns staaa y  .......ummmmm.....huh?  WHAT!!  Oh... what was I saying?  Yeah, I can't keep my eyes open.  I will casht ujp with ua aaaaaa a a a   a   a .... . . . . .  .   .  .     .  ..       .         .   NITE!

Sneak Peak!

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