Sunday, October 30, 2011

After the Rain

"The sun always comes out!"
The past month has been a very trying one for me. I knew that things would be difficult but I was not ready!  I mean completely caught off guard!  As if things couldn't get any worse off than they alreay had been, on Thursday they did.  When my friend called to get an update on a very stressful situation, I made a reference, "Man, when it pours!"  My friend's reaction was..."yeah, but after all that rain the sun always comes out!"  If that was not what I needed to hear right then.  I met a couple of new people this week at a friend's house and as we were getting to know each other, it appeared the common theme was how much everyone hated their jobs and all the stress that comes along with it.  One of the girls started telling us how she's training for a new position at her job, but it feels as though the trainer just picks on her all day.  Then someone said, "your job is not going to be are going to have people coming at you from all directions and some not nice, they are just testing you to see if you can handle the job!  Show them you can!"  Lightbulb!!!!!!  That's what I'm dealing with right now!  What I had to realize is that I must go through these hard times.  Feeling like it can't get worse seems to ignite the fuel most times.  All of sudden I must do this....or that's not going to happen.  It's almost like Whoever is calling the shots is standing over my bed while I'm napping holding a bucket of ice water, getting a kick out of shocking me back to reality!  This is the career path that I chose and I knew it wouldn't be easy.  These obstacles are getting me ready......This is just boot camp!

To my friend, Thank you for knowing just what to say but importantly having such a big heart !!

Monday, October 24, 2011

It's Not Always About You!

Although I have been working vigorously on getting THE GREY BUTTON off the ground, I have tried not to forget everyone else around me.  I think it is real important while I'm asking people to support me that I must offer to support them back. As addictive as it is to talk about my own project all day long, it seems to maintain some sort of balance when I give it a rest and take interest in someone other than me.  And wouldn't you is not always in the form of patronizing a friends' business, just showing up as someone who cares is sometimes all that's needed.  So I jumped in the back seat and let someone else do the driving!  This weekend I watched joy in the eyes of my good friends, as we were invited to take the first look at their new home. I am so proud and very happy for them. The house is B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L and I can't wait until the house warming party so I can watch everyone having so much fun while the "honorable mentions" play host/hostess for the first time at the new pad.  The takeaway here:  Try not to get so wrapped up in yourself that you neglect the people you love around you.

Congratulations on the new house guys!

Thursday, October 20, 2011


Gotta love those old mistakes!  A couple of days ago I had the mishap of printing "Hold It Together" upside down on one of the shirts.  Fortunately I was able to make light of the situation by offering this ironic tee for purchase.  After putting the story out on how this shirt came about a buzz was generated and orders came through.  But with today's oversight I was not so lucky.  I have been obsessing over the mailbox all week waiting for another round of business cards for the President only to open them today and find where his information should have been, my email and phone number was printed instead.  I was working off of my business card template and somehow sent the wrong file to have printed.  Oh NO!!!!  I don't think I can get away with my contact information on his cards.  I could have been upset or, better yet, he could have been.  As we recalled what happened a few days ago we both laughed..... we couldn't even be mad.  We'll take this one for the team and make sure we triple check next time.  The lesson here is that you will make what!  Keep it moving!

Next-- Reorder Cards!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

What is our Story?

This morning I woke up feeling so refreshed!  Stepped outside and it just felt like it was going to be a good day.  Before I went running out of the house, I decided that I would spend some time personally thanking everyone who became a 'Friend' overnight on our Facebook page.  And then one of my old friends sent me a message, "So what's the story with THE GREY BUTTON?"  I guess I have been so wrapped up in pulling the business and design plans together that I have not actually taken the time to fully explain to this platform exactly what the "story" of THE GREY BUTTON is.

 I have always known since design school that I would develop my own line....but finding exactly what I would do was not as easy of a decision.  For quite some time now I have been designing handbags but something has always been missing.  I did go to school with the motivation of having my own collection [clothes].  I knew I had an appreciation for buttons, so much so that I started collecting them over the years, knowing I would eventually use them in some way.  Then I started thinking of how much of an ambitious project starting a clothing line was, so it was only natural to start with something small and manageable like t-shirts and let it evolve as many other well known designers have done before me.  I knew that I wanted to incorporated all those buttons I had collected, and then the idea formed of literally putting "one" on each garment and it seemed genius!  My next thought was....."eventually I would run out of buttons and would need to get more somehow."  I know how fulfilling giving is but not always an easy pitch sell to even your friends and family.  But something could be said of everyone coming together from different walks of life in support of something larger than them alone to give something back that just about everyone of us have in common,  BUTTONS!!  It doesn't take much.  I thought of what I could give in return for asking people to donate their old buttons as to lead by example.  Expanding your giving power with something as small as a button is THE GREY BUTTON's motto.  I could have easily developed a well branded line that I'm confident would have been successful on its own merit and eventually had custom buttons made with my logo to represent the grey button.  But I was not willing to sacrifice all the good that could come out of this project just for my financial satisfaction!  And it truly is special knowing that your donated button blossomed into something larger than what you may have been able to do alone.  Do you know how many buttons are discarded yearly?  I admit, I don't either......but I know how many I have thrown away over the years, so simple math would tell me that if everyone is doing what I used to do, there are a lot of buttons going in the trash that are perfectly fine!   The truth of the matter is that just because it may not work on the original garment, does not mean that it is completely worthless.  Of course we want to encourage you to continue to donate your gently worn garments, but those items that you would otherwise throw away we ask that you donate any buttons from those garments them to THE GREY BUTTON.  Each donated button is featured on one of THE GREY BUTTON's garments and you can feel good knowing that 10% of the purchase price of your button's garment will be donated back into the community to support several causes from AIDS and Breast Cancer Awareness to the importance of Mental Health and everything in between.  I know that it is not always feasible to donate money but you can feel just as accomplished in donating one or more buttons that would have otherwise been forgotten.  Make sure to continue to follow us to see what we are up to so you can come out to be a part of something bigger than just yourself!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Hold It Together

I have a funny story to share with you.  So late last night I was up talking with my friend and eventually the conversation led to....."Where is my TGB shirt?"  Feeling the pressure I decided right then that I was going to make her shirt right now!  So I started up the process and made sure that everything looked completely even and applied the words across the shirt only to find out that everything was upside down!  I was so mad!  What was I thinking?!  While I was freaking out that I had ruined a shirt and giving myself the punishment, my friend was sitting in the chair laughing histarically!  I had to admit it was funny!  And so fitting when her next words were, "Calm down, hold it together..!  I Love IT!"  As I begged and pleaded with her to let me make her another shirt she somehow convinced me that she really wanted to keep this one.  Or it could have been the twitch in her eye when she suggested that she keep it.  Then she reminded me........ this is exactly what THE GREY BUTTON is about and why I am sharing this journey with everyone.  I want you to see that everyday things can turn into something speacial,  even if you are the only one who knows the meaning behind it, while the rest of the world just thinks it looks good.  So in honor of late nights the TGB upside down "Hold It Together" Tee will also be available for purchase.


Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The Domino Effect

I am trying to recall the last time I tried to make a domino maze. I was never really good at creating one that actually worked. But I am fascinated by people who even have the patience to simply build one, only to watch all that hard work go tumbling down in a matter of a few moments. Yet and still I can appreciate the joy that one must feel when the dominoes fall exactly as planned. Everyone I've ever seen build a maze did so with intense seriousness while artfully spacing each piece, this all with a shaky hand. I just don't think that I could do it. Purposely knock one piece over to kick start the beginning of the end. But who said the ending was bad? I am beginning to think of the "domino effect," as a good thing after reading an email from my friend which made this same observation. Everyone who knows me should know how I am a sucker for mushy success stories. So as I read my friend's email, I started to feel the tears well up in my eyes with each word as she described THE GREY BUTTON as being on it's way to becoming one of those success stories. I emailed her earlier to thank her for all the support over the years once again. Now, I know I have shared stories of my past and the difficult situations I've been in, but today I am reminded of the people who have done nothing but bring me happiness. I have two very special ladies in my life that not only encouraged me with my fashion career but supported me in any way they could. For example, when I had no sales for the month(s) and started to question my decisions, I had my friends to make sure that I didn't let that discourage me. As a matter of fact, they would often be my only sale for the month and not out of pity, but because they really believed I had created a unique and quality product that they loved and was proud to wear. The unselfish amount of love these two friends have shown me over the years has literally been the spark that has developed into THE GREY BUTTON. As my friend stated, "you help the ones you love... and then "you" go on to help those that need it.. i.e. the grey button project!!! its the domino effect... " 

Everyone can be a domino and part of the big picture maze. Please donate your buttons in support of THE GREY BUTTON PROJECT.

Monday, October 10, 2011

A Job that Inspires

A few days ago we all got the news of Steve Jobs' passing.  Quite sad to see such a visionary leave this world.  If I'm being honest, I would have to admit that I never followed him the way half of the world did, although I truly admire the products he designed and most importantly his work ethic.  But then I saw the 20/20 special with Chris Cuomo and Elizabeth Vargas.  Anyone who hasn't watch the special segment remembering Steve Jobs, should!  I immediately wanted to call everyone I know of who was sacrificing comfort to attempt to fulfill their destiny,  but then looked at the clock and decided I could do without being yelled at from waking people up.  But just as my mind started to wonder, as my creative mind often does at the wrong times, another dose of inspiration was being served:

"7 Secrets of Success"
-Steve Jobs-

1.  Do what you love no matter what it happens to be.
2.  Put a dent in the universe.
3.  Say "no" to 1,000 things.
4.  Kick start your brain by doing something new.
5.  Sell dreams, not products.
6.  Create insanely great experiences.
7.  Master the message.

As simple as the 7 steps may seem, some have made me step back and think....."hmmmmm......."  I easily identify with several of the "secrets."  Although I know that these aren't the only secrets, I am willing to invest time understanding all the points.  I mean why wouldn't I take verified great advice from someone who obviously knows what they're talking about?! 

The best part of this story would come the following morning when I received a text message from a friend who also saw the story and thought of me.  And that's when you know that you chose the right road to travel on.  You can't be successful on your own, it takes your passion combined with the support and encouragement of others.  We could all take note from the button and it's pivotal role. After 2 pieces are joined, the button has to hold strong, making the final product "work" properly.  I'm thinking........  I can relate this to building a network of gifted people with amazing talents (pieces), each person being represented by a button.  If we all bring the fabric of our talents together, we could be just like my white button down shirt.  With more buttons than the average shirt in my closet, I know it is because of the buttons I get the perfect fit. 

Next:  Get to work on building my network.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

"Appearances take Two"

Throughout my life I have been faced with countless difficult situations.  And for the most part I have considered myself a big girl for getting through those circumstances.  But I must admit that no matter how many times I am put in certain predicaments, I am often completely caught off guard at what comes next.  And that is the agony of feeling despondent as a result of someone elses' actions.  Sometimes I feel like that person who practices so hard to sound good when they sing but they just never quite succeed.  No matter how many disappointment rehearsals I have, I never seem to ever fully master the art of being prepared for life's blunders.  Honestly I'm not sure too many people out there are.  To think that the  "Let Down Movie" only applies to life in general starting from relationships, to work, and even random encounters with complete strangers, who all "appear" to pounce on me then leave me saddened, is not a performance I look forward to.  But then today it was like someone rewrote the script.   If I was the audience, would I have understood the plot as it was before?  The beautiful thing is in many of those cases if I'm unsure of what I "see", I could always just ask for clarification.  I would dare to say that I have this rehearsal scene in the bag and I walked away learning the power of communication and the direct relationship it has with disappointment.  That is why I have decided to retire the old calamity costume because the brand new and improved, redesigned consolation suit fits way better anyway.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Dog vs. Moon

I heard a phrase today that really hit home for me.  "It's common for a dog to bark up at the moon, but if the moon barked back the dog would be famous."  It took a moment before I really got the true meaning, but when I did I had an "ahhh hah" moment.  It spoke to me in such a way that I just had to share it.  I have heard many times that when you start making positive changes in your life you lose a lot of friends.  Suddenly they want to kick up dirt and make an issue out of nothing.  "Barking" if you will.  Seems to me that your friend being happy would be a good thing, but sometimes people's reasoning is flat out backward.  Unfortunate, but true.  How does this relate to the dog and the whole moon thing? Simple.  Entertaining those people that love to hate your success and happiness can only lead to disaster.  By doing so you are giving them not only a voice but the spotlight.  Don't let the dark cloud of ugly behavior take over your sky.  You are the moon........remember?  Let the radiance of your gift push those black storm clouds out of your life so you can get to being vivacious again.