Monday, October 10, 2011

A Job that Inspires

A few days ago we all got the news of Steve Jobs' passing.  Quite sad to see such a visionary leave this world.  If I'm being honest, I would have to admit that I never followed him the way half of the world did, although I truly admire the products he designed and most importantly his work ethic.  But then I saw the 20/20 special with Chris Cuomo and Elizabeth Vargas.  Anyone who hasn't watch the special segment remembering Steve Jobs, should!  I immediately wanted to call everyone I know of who was sacrificing comfort to attempt to fulfill their destiny,  but then looked at the clock and decided I could do without being yelled at from waking people up.  But just as my mind started to wonder, as my creative mind often does at the wrong times, another dose of inspiration was being served:

"7 Secrets of Success"
-Steve Jobs-

1.  Do what you love no matter what it happens to be.
2.  Put a dent in the universe.
3.  Say "no" to 1,000 things.
4.  Kick start your brain by doing something new.
5.  Sell dreams, not products.
6.  Create insanely great experiences.
7.  Master the message.

As simple as the 7 steps may seem, some have made me step back and think....."hmmmmm......."  I easily identify with several of the "secrets."  Although I know that these aren't the only secrets, I am willing to invest time understanding all the points.  I mean why wouldn't I take verified great advice from someone who obviously knows what they're talking about?! 

The best part of this story would come the following morning when I received a text message from a friend who also saw the story and thought of me.  And that's when you know that you chose the right road to travel on.  You can't be successful on your own, it takes your passion combined with the support and encouragement of others.  We could all take note from the button and it's pivotal role. After 2 pieces are joined, the button has to hold strong, making the final product "work" properly.  I'm thinking........  I can relate this to building a network of gifted people with amazing talents (pieces), each person being represented by a button.  If we all bring the fabric of our talents together, we could be just like my white button down shirt.  With more buttons than the average shirt in my closet, I know it is because of the buttons I get the perfect fit. 

Next:  Get to work on building my network.

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