Thursday, October 20, 2011


Gotta love those old mistakes!  A couple of days ago I had the mishap of printing "Hold It Together" upside down on one of the shirts.  Fortunately I was able to make light of the situation by offering this ironic tee for purchase.  After putting the story out on how this shirt came about a buzz was generated and orders came through.  But with today's oversight I was not so lucky.  I have been obsessing over the mailbox all week waiting for another round of business cards for the President only to open them today and find where his information should have been, my email and phone number was printed instead.  I was working off of my business card template and somehow sent the wrong file to have printed.  Oh NO!!!!  I don't think I can get away with my contact information on his cards.  I could have been upset or, better yet, he could have been.  As we recalled what happened a few days ago we both laughed..... we couldn't even be mad.  We'll take this one for the team and make sure we triple check next time.  The lesson here is that you will make what!  Keep it moving!

Next-- Reorder Cards!

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