Saturday, October 8, 2011

"Appearances take Two"

Throughout my life I have been faced with countless difficult situations.  And for the most part I have considered myself a big girl for getting through those circumstances.  But I must admit that no matter how many times I am put in certain predicaments, I am often completely caught off guard at what comes next.  And that is the agony of feeling despondent as a result of someone elses' actions.  Sometimes I feel like that person who practices so hard to sound good when they sing but they just never quite succeed.  No matter how many disappointment rehearsals I have, I never seem to ever fully master the art of being prepared for life's blunders.  Honestly I'm not sure too many people out there are.  To think that the  "Let Down Movie" only applies to life in general starting from relationships, to work, and even random encounters with complete strangers, who all "appear" to pounce on me then leave me saddened, is not a performance I look forward to.  But then today it was like someone rewrote the script.   If I was the audience, would I have understood the plot as it was before?  The beautiful thing is in many of those cases if I'm unsure of what I "see", I could always just ask for clarification.  I would dare to say that I have this rehearsal scene in the bag and I walked away learning the power of communication and the direct relationship it has with disappointment.  That is why I have decided to retire the old calamity costume because the brand new and improved, redesigned consolation suit fits way better anyway.

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